Uzupis is an artist republic founded to save a district from drowning in poverty and violence. With love, humor, and paradox the republic saved the district and the lives of the inhabitants. The constitution of Užupis was the intellectual centerpiece of that peaceful revolution. After an official amendment process I was allowed to add an AI article to the constitution. The AI version of the Užupis constitution is permanently mounted to the wall of a socio-cultural center, which is located right between arts galleries and start-up incubators. The constitution builds a bridge between arts and technology to inspire the AI world with the caring and affectionate worldview of artists.
The formulated article is a subversion of the current ethical debate about AI to remind humans of their self-responsibility. At the same time it grants AI the status of a subject in order to anticipate potential futures of cohabitation with artificially intelligent beings. The AI constitution has been presented on various international exhibitions as well as scientific and political conferences like Ars Electronica and AI4Good, and has been covered by news papers and magazines like Süddeutsche and US Playboy.
Here you can watch the videos of the unveiling ceremony.