I.O.T. – Incalculable Oracle of Technology /2019

I.O.T. uses state of the art IOT technology to turn a plant into a touch-sensitive Oracle. You can ask your questions about the future of society and will receive an answer upon touching it. Some answers make no sense, some answers will perplex the visitors, and sometimes there will be no proper answer but the command to have a drink or the IOT can even turn the lighting on and off. In the end I.O.T stands for “Incalculable Oracle of Technology” and it is an entertaining comment on our hyperconnected future.

Peoples’ reactions vary from amusement to surprised disbelieve when confronted with its miraculous forecasts in contrast to its improvised appearance. Some people even refused to ask the plant anything for spiritual reasons. However, I can assure that IOT would never ever give any critical or harmful answers.

I.O.T. has been exhibited at international festivals like Ars Electronica and served as the model for the “Bio-Piano” shown in the Netflix series Biohackers.